Working Hours: Monday- Saturday 09:00‑19:00 Sunday: Close
Phone:0 (850) 888 8984



Front Office Accounting, Industries & Services, Banking & Finance, Construction & Mining, Consulting & Management, Exchange Offices, Textiles, Tourism, IT & ITC, Insurance, Agriculture, Jewelry, Food, Automotive,Transportation, Manufacturing
Usage Areas
Front Office Accounting, Industries & Services, Banking & Finance, Construction & Mining, Consulting & Management, Exchange Offices, Textiles, Tourism, IT & ITC, Insurance, Agriculture, Jewelry, Food, Automotive,Transportation, Manufacturing

Client, CRM, Cash, Serial/Lot No, Warehouse, MRP II, Simple Production, Cheque/Voucher, Tube/Water, Invoice, Delivery, Offer, Order, Installment, Service, Bank, FOREX, Transfer, Analysis, Authorized, SMS, Notes, Help


Program Compatibility 
Program Essentials 
Operations which can be done in program are as below; 
* The records in front office can be followed up without re-entering to general accounting, thanks to totally integrated front office accounting and general accounting system, 
* Integration from front office accounting to general accounting can be done instantly or collectively, 
* Taking advantage of supporting MSSQL (Optimization can be used on MSSQL Server 2008 version and upper versions) and Firebird database, 
* Working with multiple users in offline mode, 
* Taking advantage of supporting all languages in the world by unicode. 
* Opening and working on windows more than one at the same time by MDI Technology, 
* Creating dedicated menu, 
* Accessing fast with customized macro definitons and user defined shorcuts, 
* Customizing texts based on company (WOLVOX 7 enables to customize texts separately for each different company). 

Supported Languages 
English, Turkish, Azeri, Albanian, Dutch, Russian, Arabic 

* Saving unlimited client card, 
* Adding general informations, account informations, special discount, term, selection of stock price, authorized person, service information to client cards, 
* Grouping clients as middle-group or sub-group, 
* Autofilling country, city and county parts while creating client, 
* Adding unlimited photo and file to client cards, 
* Describing unlimited address for clients, 
* Describing payment types as cash, POS, credit card and 5 different modes of payment additionally and ability to print receipts, 
* Blocking sales when the limits that you specify are excessed, 
* Describing accounts in foreign currencies for your client and tracking their transactions, 
* Getting detailed client transaction report and printing account statements for your clients, 
* Editing report designs as you wish, 
* Getting information regarding averages of the payments are done from report with value-date, 
* Getting reports in tree diagram by client custom reports, 
* Printing address label, 
* Checking how much premium marketeers get by marketeer premium reports, 
* Making marketeers get premium according to sub-marketeers by chain marketing feature, 
* Making your clients earn and use bonuses by defining bonus, specifying expiry date for them, 
* Ability to get your own currency version of transactions that are in foreign currency by the feature of currency based balance list. 

* Saving and setting alarm regarding on all appoinments, meetings, what to do list and etc., 
* Creating customer list for defined accounts, 
* Describing campaign and sale opportunity for your customers, 
* Recording technical supports that are given to customers, 
* Following up surveys by recording, 
* Displaying profitability reports based on customer or a group, 
* Reporting products group which are sold most, 
* Reporting customers which buy most. 

* Recording all cashes in your enterprise, 
* Users can use only the cash account which is defined yourself by authorizing user based, 
* Transferring cashes from one cash account to another one by cash account transfer feature, 
* Block the transactions by transfer of cash accounts without confirmation of user, 
* Displaying net amount in your cash account by getting daily and general report, 
* Counting cashes easily by bill counter feature. 

* Saving unlimited stock, 
* Grouping the stocks as group, middle-group or sub-group, 
* Specifying special percentage like VAT for stock cards, making use of 85 no. tax assessment, 
* Saving unlimited price list for stocks, 
* Adding unlimited photo and file to stock cards, 
* Specifying special premium rate or amount for marketeer, 
* Specifying unlimited unit, check balances by this units, 
* Checking how many stocks in which warehouse by integration of warehouse, 
* Blocking to drop to below or pass the stock limits by specifying special limits, 
* Blocking to sell the stocks which have minus value. 
* Specify special discounts for stocks by advanced discount feature, 
* Following up the stocks which is sold by serial no, 
* Making default supplier assignment by specifying stock supplier, 
* Entering values for checking quality control after production, 
* Getting stock inventory, 
* Report operation dates by stock reports, 
* Specifying brand, model, color and size for your stocks, 
* Grouping main stock and sub-stock, taking advantage of assortment system feature, 
* Reporting blocked stocks, 
* Counting stocks and taking inventory, 
* Labelling for stocks, 
* Specify description of services and getting service reports, 
* Printing label manuelly or automatically from stock price list by creating package descriptions. 

* Following-up the stocks by serial no, 
* Calculating net amounts for stocks by following-up lot, 
* Making in and out transactions with serial no from invoice collectively, 
* Taking transaction reports with serial no, 
* Labelling with serial no. 

* Saving all warehouses that you use, 
* Authorising based on users to access warehouse transactions, 
* Transfering between warehouses individually or collectively, 
* Taking warehouse transfer report or warehouse inventory, 
* Adding warehouse map by describing location, 
* Tracking products'''' locations by entering location transaction. 

* Specifying working times for machines which in use for production, 
* Specifying operations used for production step by step, 
* Making production serially by creating prescription before production, 
* Following-up loss of time during production, 
* Following-up raw materials by control report. 
* Creating operation of fason separation or combination, 
* Following-up all production process by creating production order or production planning, 
* Following-up production process schematically by getting gantt chart, 
* Calculation of production costs by saving detailed wastages during production, 
* Following-up quality of the products by quality control reports, 
* Getting detailed reports for all descriptions, 
* Calculating the productivity of personnels by personnel comparison reports. 

* Creating prescriptions for productions, wastages and other costs can be reflected to the production, 
* Following-up operations of production separation and combination, 
* Arrange a manifacture for the main products have minus value, 
* Getting reports for created productions. 

* Decribing all cheque and vouchers that you give or take, 
* Following-up all operations of payments for cheque or vouchers , collection, negotiation, ending bank and etc..., 
* Saving cheque and vouchers collectively, 
* Getting payment partially for surety bond, 
* Printing vouchers serially, 
* Getting report for all cheques and vouchers that you save, 
* Getting report with calculated by value-date. 

* Checking and following-up the sales and which customer has which product by editing tube/water receipt, 
* Following-up which product is suitable for by specifying change descriptions, 
* Following-up the stocks by transferring vehicle warehouses at operation of product loading, 
* Checking the price difference after sales by getting current price and invocing operation can be done with current price, 

* Saving invoice of cost, domestic sales, overseas sale, purchasing, domestic return from sale nd overseas return from sale, 
* Designing invoices for printing, 
* Adding stock and service to invoices, 
* Make installment by hand or bank, 
* Closing the invoice with many payment types by specifying close invoice descriptions, 
* Calculating profit, loss and statistic of price for products in the invoice, 
* Applying special discount for determined customers and stocks, 
* Creating certificate of weight on invoice, 
* Sending e-mail or SMS to the client about invoice details, 
* Transferring stock from M.S. Excel or Open Office into invoice, 
* Coping invoice, 
* Getting report based on invoice, 
* Printing invoices collectivelly. 

* Creating delivery note for trasferring stocks between your branches, 
* Invoicing your delivery notes individually or collectively, 
* Getting warning the delivery notes that are not invoiced within 7 days, 
* Updating prices collectively for stocks that are used in delivery notes, invoicing them by different prices, 
* Coping delivery notes, 
* Getting report of delivery notes that are saved before. 

* Saving given/received domestic and overseas offer, 
* Blocking products which are added to offer and tracking the amounts, 
* When time is up for pending offers, all the blocked and amounts written off change back, 
* Transferring offers to invoice or delivery note individually or collectively. 

* Saving given/received domestic and overseas orders, 
* Creating unlimited order status descriptions and warning system for status descriptions, 
* Products which is added to received order keep as blocked, 
* Products which is added to given order keep until deadline, 
* Transferring orders to invoice or delivery note individually or collectively, 
* Tracking deficient and surplus deliveries, 
* Transferring to orders the products which is decreasing by using purchasing request screen, 
* Transferring the products between branches by transferring request, 
* Reporting stock order list and all saved orders, 
* Sending SMS and e-mail to customers about status changes, 
* Getting report based on account or stock. 

* Tracking payments by creating installment plan for your customers, 
* Tracking layaways are done, 
* Applying delay fine for delaying payments, 
* Creating warning system for delaying installments, 
* Printing voucher serially, 
* Printing aggrements and receipt of payment, 

* Creating service ticket for all given/taken products and services, 
* Getting warning for creating appointments, 
* Getting warning for maintenance dates by editing maintenance contract, 
* Saving recipient, deliverer, delivery date, product information, declared malfunctions, operations are done in service slips, 
* Getting personnel work load reports by selecting personnel and vehicle, 
* Sending SMS and e-mail to customers about status changes by describing status changes for service slips, 
* Transferring service tickets to invoice or delivery note individually or collectively, 
* Describing service packages, 
* Getting report for all service slips, 

* Saving all banks, sub-accounts, POS, credit cards, cheques and voucher  that you work with, 
* Making description for delay interest, tracking provision deduction by describing installment number for POS descriptions, 
* Transfer operations between banks and cashboxes, 
* Tracking bank statement of your credit cards, 
* Getting report of POS and provision, 
* Calculating credits and tracking credit usage, 
* Getting bank reports, 

* Specifying all foreign currencies that you use, 
* Updating daily forex rate via Central Bank, 
* Getting report of past forex rates, 
* Tracking the transaction in foreign currency, 
* Reporting equivalent of different foreign currencies by using cross rate application, 

Please contact for detailed information about AKINSOFT Wolvox ERP.